Certifying Agent Course

A Certifying Agent is an individual accredited by the Florida Green Building Coalition to evaluate a home with respect to the criteria contained in this Standard for the purposes of verifying that the qualifications for a Florida Green Home Designation have been achieved.

FGBC CERTIFYING AGENT REQUIREMENTS – All four requirements must be successfully completed in order to become an FGBC Certifying Agent.

REQUIREMENT # 1 –One year experience in the home building industry: Verification of experience will require written references to such activity in at least one of the listed professions: Residential trade contractor or builder experience either on the jobsite or in management, Superintendent or other jobsite supervision, Licensed or qualified home inspector or certified energy rater, Residential design or architectural work, Residential land development management, Green building verification for another green certification, Construction consulting or training.

REQUIREMENT # 2 – 14 hours of Green Home Construction Continuing Education completed in the last two years.  Courses must specifically emphasize Green Home construction techniques and concepts – FGBC accepts courses offered by other organizations
Course description/syllabus must be submitted with Home Certifying Agent Application
Review of course work completed by the applicant is subject to FGBC approval
Instructors may receive CE credits once for teaching an approved course

REQUIREMENT # 3 – Successful completion of two-day Florida Green Home Certification Training and exam.  This course is a two-day remote class that taught by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC).  Register for the Course Today!!  Once you have completed the course you will need to contact Mary Evans at info@floridagreenbuilding.org to schedule the exam.

REQUIREMENT # 4 – Complete the FGBC Certifying Agent Registration Form and submit to FGBC with your payment and supporting documentation. All FGBC Certifying Agents are required to be members of FGBC. FGBC Certifying Agents receive a certificate and identification card verifying their credentials.


Florida Green Building Coalition