Did you know that a great majority of memory changes can be traced back to medications, stress, vitamin deficiencies even dehydration!
If you or a loved are experiencing cognitive changes, the first step is a proper diagnosis! And COA can help! Our caring team and suite of quality services will ensure that you or your loved one will access the resources and services you need to help you meet any challenges you might be facing.
Memory changes affect you and your family. They can be significant, life-changing events. Experiencing a loss in your ability to remember dates, words, information and people can trying and frightening; we understand this. Choosing to provide care for a loved one facing these challenges can be rewarding, frustrating, exhausting and uplifting – sometimes all at once. We understand your needs and can tailor your care to best address your needs or the needs of your family member. We can help.
Through our comprehensive memory care services, Council on Aging provides screening programs, needs assessments, early memory care, and care and safety plans for both clients and caregivers.
Has your loved one been diagnosed with Dementia?
Facing problems and need someone to talk to?
Not sure what to do next?
Community-Care Giving is here to help. It’s a Free, Confidential Service for St. Johns County residents and their families.
Community-Care Giving
E-mail us at: pkozlowski@stjohnscoa.com or call (904) 209-3674
Make an appointment with a Qualified Dementia Care Specialist who will:
Set up a time to discuss your situation 1:1
Develop an individualized education and needs assessment
Support, Guide, and Empower you to find solutions to those needs.
With Community Care-Giving you do not have to face dementia alone; your St. Johns County community is here for you.