If you are interested in becoming a Business or Associate Member of the North Florida Marine Association, please take a moment to fill out the following information. Once your application has been reviewed, a representative of the North Florida Marine Association will contact you.
Business Level – $200.00 per year
Associate Level – $100.00 per year
You will be invoiced once approved.
The purpose of the North Florida Marine Association is to foster and promote safe boating in Northeast Florida Area. To aid and assist in the proposal and adoption of suitable laws and regulations relating to boats and safe boating. To promote social activities and education between its members and to exchange ideas on promotions and sales of their products and services. To aid, assist and conduct displays of boats, equipment and allied products and services.
An individual (associate), firm, or corporation dealing in marine equipment or related services, accessories or parts, or selling or servicing boats, boat engines, the dockage or storage of boats, the construction, design, manufacturer of boats or marine equipment in Northeast Florida.
Individual (associate) members must be directly associated with a firm, corporation, or private
enterprise dealing in marine services for profit. Firms with common ownership shall
be eligible to one regular membership.
A firm, person or persons who have a properly licensed marine store from which to operate: a residence, boat, etc. is not acceptable. The dealer must stock boats or related marine products, have regular store hours and have been in business for a minimum of 6 months prior to making application to join the Jacksonville Marine Association.
Please Note: No business or individual (associate) shall be admitted to membership unless they have been a properly licensed business in the Northeast Florida Area for a period of no less than 6 months, shall have first filed their application in writing and tender therewith the initial fee provided in these By-laws and have been approved by the membership committee of this association and the vote of the membership thereof at the regular meeting.