16 May Goldbar Freestyles makes Presence known at May Days Qualifier
Courtney O’Brien and Duque Top
Last weekend May 12,13, three dressage competitors from our area rode their horses to music from Goldbar Freestyles and earned qualifying scores. All three competitors were Adult Amateur riders. Mary Ann Callahan rode her gelding Leander in their first level freestyle. This was their second time out with the Dire Straits/Simon and Garfunkel music and they scored very well with a 70.833% on Saturday and a 76.667% on Sunday! The pair was awarded an 8.5 on music and an 8 on choreography on Sunday. Holly Such and her horse Stiletto showed a freestyle at the Intermediate I level and used music that was previously used by her trainer and me for a fun Pas de Deux. She did well with the music and earned qualifying scores with a 67.125% on Sat. and a 64% on Sunday. Way to go Holly. Using her jazz music again was Courtney O’Brien and her PRE horse Duque Top. They rode Sunday and received a 70.325% for their efforts. I am proud of everyone and look forward to the next show and completing a few freestyles I am currently working on.
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