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Together with a
Collective voice,
We can accomplish more.
The Arc of the St. Johns provides services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). We strengthen people with I/DD and their families by providing the opportunity for hope, for growth and for change; the opportunity for everyone to become a valued, contributing member of our community.
We currently serve more than 80 adults with I/DD at our main adult services center.
Adult Day Training
We currently operate eleven residential homes, located in neighborhoods throughout St. Augustine
Residential Care & Living
A FREE public charter school for eligible children age 2 ½ to 5 with special needs
Therapeutic Learning Center
A Charter School of the St. Johns County School District An affiliate program of The Arc of the St. Johns
Community Campus
SurfQuest is bringing more and more people with Intellectual and Development Disabilities
SurfQuest Program
We provide systematic training using repetition to teach new skills
Beaches Center
The Arc of the St Johns has a Team of specialist, State-certified Employment Coaches
Employment Services
To teach individual in our services to achieve their personal goals and objectives
Behavioral Health
To teach individual in our services to achieve their personal goals and objectives
ABA Therapy
An opportunity to work towards becoming independent while living in their own homes in the community.
Supported Living
Creating a fully accessible organic garden focusing on education, sensory, health and harvesting for IDD Individuals
Ability Garden
Our Chef and staff work directly, teaching useful Cooking Skills and knowledge, promoting Healthy and Creative Food choices while encouraging good hygiene and safety in the kitchen classroom.
If you have a passion for helping others grow and are invested in working with individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, we want to work with you! Contact us today to see how you can make a meaningful impact in your community.