01 Mar Alaska’s Anvik River Lodge Blog is back!!
This is just a quick post to let you know that we’re FINALLY getting into the swing of things again. As you know being out in the wilderness and in remote areas most of the time, we’re not all that tech-savvy. After years of having marginal, at best, internet capabilities we installed a new system this past summer. Once we got the kinks worked out it has proven to be just what we need in order to be able to upload photos and access our site easily. And of course with the help of our capable (and much younger) staff, we’re figuring all of this Blog stuff out.
Thank you all for your encouragement and for letting us know that you really do want to know what’s going on up here!
We really look forward to being able to share information and to tell stories about this remote wilderness lodge that is so unique even in Alaska standards of uniqueness.
We’ll be posting short articles written by some of the guides themselves, information about what’s going on up here in the wilderness, fishing reports, weather information for your trip planning and of course lots of entertaining recaps of the season’s events.
Whether you’re looking for a special fishing and wilderness adventure for a couple or a place for a great family & friends or corporate get-away, please stay tuned to Alaska’s Anvik River Lodge blog and let us know what you’d like to hear about!
Yours in the Wilderness, Cliff & Cheryl and the whole Anvik Crew
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