
Get In Touch

COA is a private not-for-profit agency partially funded by the State of Florida Dept.of Elder Affairs through C.C.E. and O.A.A.programs, administered by the Area Agency on Aging and ElderSource with support from the United Way of St. Johns County, St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners and private donations.

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Hybrid Design
COA’s EIN: 59-1525829
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Directors & Managers

Becky Yanni

Executive Director (904) 209-3700

Matt McCord

Transportation Services Director (904) 209-3700

Amy Robinson

Development Manager (904) 209-3637

Christy Sandy

Transportation Manager, Paratransit (904) 209-3714

Wayne Reyes

Transportation Manager, Coastal (904) 209-3638

Ruthie Shakar

Manager, Nutrition Services (904) 209-3630

Paulette Kozlowski

Manager, Sunshine Center (904) 209-3690

Susan Miller

Manager, IMEP Memory Enhancement (904) 729-9535

Jean Roth

Manager, Independent Living Services (904) 209-3700

Leslie Gamache

Manager, Senior Center Programs (904) 209-3631

Nelson Wiley

Operations Manager, Transportation (904) 793-1958